Countries involved and partner organizations
Seven research institutions from Austria, Hungary, the UK, Poland, Germany and Portugal are involved in the partnership.
The following organisations and individuals are/were taking part:
Austria – IKF (Institute of Conflict Research)
Vienna: Birgitt Haller
birgitt.haller@ikf.ac.at, Helga Amesberger
Germany - German Police University (DHPol)
Muenster: Thomas Goergen
thomas.goergen@dhpol.de, Anabel Taefi
anabel.taefi@dhpol.de, Sabine Nowak
sabine.nowak@dhpol.de, Benjamin Kraus
benjamin.kraus@dhpol.de, Birgit Winkelsett*
birgit.winkelsett@dhpol.de |
Germany - Zoom - Society for Prospective Developments e.V.
Goettingen: Barbara Nägele
b.naegele@prospektive-entwicklungen.de, Nils Pagels
n.pagels@prospektive-entwicklungen.de, Sandra Kotlenga
s.kotlenga@prospektive-entwicklungen.de, Urte Böhm*, Fanny Petermann* |
Great Britain - University of East Anglia (UEA)
Norwich: Bridget Penhale
b.penhale@uea.ac.uk,William Goreham
w.goreham@uea.ac.uk, Jenny Porritt* |
Hungary - Centre for social sciences Hungarian Academy of Science
Budapest: Olga Tóth
totho@socio.mta.hu, Júlia Galántai
galantai@socio.mta.hu, Katalin Robert* |
Poland - University of Bialystok
Malgorzata Halicka, Jerzy Halicky, Emilia Kramkowska, Anna Szafranek -
j.halicki@uwb.edu.pl |
Portugal – CESIS -Centre for Studies for Social Intervention
Lisbon: Heloisa Perista
heloisa.perista@cesis.org, Alexandra Silva
alexandra.silva@cesis.org, Vanda Neves*
vanda.neves@cesis.org |
Two experts in the field supported the project Intimate Partner Violence against older Women (IPVoW): Prof. Zvi Eisikovits* and Dr. Tova Band Winterstein* of Haifa University, Israel acted in a consultative and advisory capacity to the project.
- Israel: University of Haifa, Institute for the Study of Society: Zvi Eiskovits and Tova Band Winterstein
*involved in IPVoW